Statistical process monitoring (SPM) offers an important toolkit used to monitor the stability of a process to improve the quality of outputs and/or services. More often, the design of control charts requires the estimation of the probability density function that involves selecting a common distribution that facilitates the estimation of the process parameters. The Bayesian approach is one of the most efficient techniques used in such instances. It incorporates informative and non-informative priors, i.e., uses information on past data and charting structures, to estimate parameters more efficiently than classical approaches. Bayesian approaches reduce the total expected cost over a finite horizon or the long-run expected average cost. This paper introduces a new Bayesian exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) monitoring scheme for long runs based on an ARMA-GARCH model. The properties of the new monitoring scheme are investigated in terms of the run-length distribution. A case study on monitoring the USD to ZAR exchange rate is provided using the proposed Bayesian ARMA-GARCH EWMA monitoring scheme.