Introduction and background
Hospital units are dynamic, high-paced and challenging environments and effective teamwork
is vital to high performance teams in hospital units. Teamwork and person-centredness are
two strategies that improve patient outcomes and staff satisfaction and retention. Healthcare
has become increasingly dynamic and demanding. Person-centredness as a strategy is
supported by the World Health Organization (WHO) to assist the whole multi-disciplinary team
with the patient and significant other, to reach the patient desired outcomes. Teamwork is
recognised by the multi-disciplinary team as a way of ensuring holistic and achievable patient
outcomes. The concept of person-centred teamwork has not been defined or explored in
current literature. Only the measurement of either teamwork or person- centeredness has
been explored. There are elaborate instruments available that measure the two concepts as
separate entities. The concept of person-centred teamwork has not been explored and to date
there is no instrument to measure the concept. Being able to measure person-centred
teamwork will enable teams and management to give tangible feedback and revise
improvement strategies on person-centred teamwork.
Aim and objectives
The development of an instrument to measure person-centred teamwork in hospital nursing
To define person-centred teamwork and develop an instrument to measure person-centred
teamwork in hospital units. In order to achieve the aim, the study wished to answer the
following question: How can the concept “person-centred teamwork” be developed into an
instrument to measure person-centred teamwork?
In order to achieve the aim, the study was conducted in phases with the following objectives:
• Phase 1: Concept clarification
Objective 1: To conduct a concept analysis of person-centred teamwork.
Objective 2: To reach consensus on the definition and attributes of person-centred
• Phase 2: Item development
Objective 3: To reach consensus on items to be included in an instrument to measure personcentred
teamwork in a hospital setting.
Alida H. Viljoen
o Sub-objective 3.1: To generate items for an instrument to measure person-centred
o Sub-objective 3.2: To reach consensus on items to measure person-centred teamwork.
• Phase 3 and 4: Scale development and evaluation
Objective 4: To validate an instrument to measure healthcare workers’ perceptions of personcentred
teamwork in hospital units.
Research design and methodology
A multi-method multi-phased design, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, was
used to develop an instrument to measure person-centred teamwork in a hospital unit. The
data collection included a concept analysis, methodological search for instrument items, two
Delphi studies, pre-testing and sampling of the instrument. With the assistance of a statistician
validation of the instrument was done.
The concept analysis determined four attributes and a definition for person-centred teamwork.
The attributes and definition was taken through a Delphi study with international experts, to
obtain consensus on it. Consensus was obtained and this formed the basis of the
methodological search on instrument items to measure person-centredness or teamwork. The
items were analysed, refined and reduced to 43 items that were taken to a Delphi study with
international experts to obtain consensus on the items to measure person-centred teamwork.
Consensus was reached on 38 items, which were pre-tested and validated. The 38 items then
underwent psychometric testing by 388 participants in two selected hospitals in South Africa.
A statistician tested the findings of 38 items for validity and reliability and found to be valid and
reliable to assess person-centred teamwork in the hospital setting.
This study was initiated from the need to be able to understand and measure person-centred
teamwork. The instrument was found to be valid and reliable in measuring person-centred
teamwork. The ability to measure person-centred teamwork will assist the implementation and
ongoing improvement of person-centred teams. Person-centred teamwork will allow the
outcomes set from a management perspective to be measurable and improved upon based
on the results of the instrument.
Alida H. Viljoen
Concept analysis, Delphi technique instrument, measurement, person-centred teamwork,
psychometric testing, validation