DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Deidentified data supporting our results are publicly available on Zenodo at:
DATA S1 : Survey instrument: Understanding people's opinions of wildlife in urban and residential areas.
SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES : TABLE S1: Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of survey respondents, metropolitan Atlanta, United States, January–April 2022 (n = 1006).
TABLE S2: Number of respondents who interacted with wildlife, including type of human–wildlife interactions and the wildlife with which respondents have interacted, metropolitan Atlanta, United States, 2022.
TABLE S3: Respondents' attitudes towards wildlife, metropolitan Atlanta, United States, January–April 2022 (n = 1006).
TABLE S4: Respondents' emotions towards wildlife, metropolitan Atlanta, United States, January–April 2022.
TABLE S5: Respondent' self-efficacy pertaining to managing interactions with wildlife, metropolitan Atlanta, United States, January–April 2022.
TABLE S6: Respondent' trust in the Georgia Department of Natural Resources to manage wildlife and human–wildlife conflicts, metropolitan Atlanta, United States, January–April 2022 (n = 1006).