The use of wild animals in customary rituals and as a sustenance resource is a longstanding
tradition within sub-Saharan Africa. The emergence of commercial trade, has, however, created
unattainable demands and has led to the overexploitation of animals. These demands are threatening
the conservation of animal species exploited in this trade. Comparatively little research effort has
been dedicated to invertebrate species, and, specifically, their non-commercial uses. We explored
the uses of water beetles in traditional rituals. We investigate the extent to which each of the
non-commercial uses of water beetles exhibits consumptive and non-consumptive use features.
The concepts are contested as their application for describing human–animal interactions has been
challenged because of insufficient physiological and conservation data on the implications for animals
of such interactions. The inadequacy of the available data pertaining to the use of animal resources
was particularly pronounced. Most research efforts are skewed towards vertebrates at the expense of
invertebrates. Regardless, the study shows that most non-commercial exploitation and uses of water
beetles were mainly non-destructive and, if consumptive, the uses could be described as mainly nonlethal
consumptive or sub-lethal consumptive. Rituals that could be described as lethal-consumptive
comprised a smaller fraction of the uses of water beetles.