Climate change represents the most significant challenge facing the global community. The
issue in question has an impact on the younger generation, whose prospects may be
jeopardised. Both younger and older generations are participating in climate movements. An
illustrious instance is the School Strike for Climate, which was orchestrated by the adolescent
environmentalist, Greta Thunberg. The climate movements exhibit a range of objectives,
actions and focus. Various social movements construct narratives that appeal to the youth
demographic. The presence of a coherent narrative aids in the formation of personal identity
and the establishment of a shared sense of self among individuals. Collectively, they have the
potential to advocate for equitable treatment of the environment. Climate activism, although
not regarded as religious, employs religious language and concepts. Research examining the
climate movements’ impact on churches has revealed the presence of religious effects. Upon
conducting research on the involvement of young individuals in churches and climate
movements, specifically with regard to their agency, it has been observed that climate
movements are fundamentally grounded in religious language and ideals. This article analyses
the religious concepts found within youth climate movements and further investigates the
correlation between youth climate activism and religion through the analysis of religious
nature of this contribution is spread across the fields of theology and religion. The
sub-disciplines of the youth in general, youth ministry and youth work, religious rhetoric,
climate change, climate justice and environmental consciousness within the academic
discourse of sustainability are studied.