DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Data available from the figshare repository: (Dejeante et al., 2023).
APPENDIX S1. TABLE S1.1. Coefficients (β) and standard errors (SE) for selection ratio model of lioness habitat selection for distance to water (WATER), open habitats (OPEN), and distance to the home range centroid (HR) accounting for the presence/absence of cubs within the pride (CUB; without cub = 0, with cub = 1).
TABLE S1.2. Coefficients (β) and standard errors (SE) for selection ratio models of pride male habitat selection for distance to water (WATER), open habitats (OPEN), and distance to the home range centroid (HR) accounting for the presence/absence of cubs within the pride (CUB; without cub = 0, with cub = 1) and for the presence/absence of females in proximity (FEM; without female = 0, with female = 1).
TABLE S1.3. Coefficients (β) and standard errors (SE) for the GLMMs testing the influence of the mean habitat openness (OPEN) and the presence of cubs (CUB) on (a) the percentage of time pride males spent in proximity with pride females, (b) the frequencies and (c) the duration of male-female proximity events.
TABLE S1.4. Frequency of pride male-competitor male proximity events according to the presence of cubs within the pride (CUB) and the overlap of the utilization distributions of pride and competitor males (UD overlap). We run a log-linear regression adding a random intercept with dyad identity.
TABLE S1.5. Spatial characteristics of proximity events between pride males and competitor males.
TABLE S1.6. Outcome characteristics of proximity events between pride males and competitor males.
APPENDIX S2. Distance-based definition of proximity events, used as proxies for social interactions.
FIGURE S2.1. Methods to identify male-female interactions: comparison of male-female proximity events estimated by an univariate hidden-markov model based on the dyad distance, and estimated by a distance threshold from 100 to 5 km.
FIGURE S2.2. Distance-threshold sensitivity of the duration and frequency measures describing the temporal dynamics of male-female (a, b) and male-male proximity events (c, d).
APPENDIX S3. Pride male-female association.
FIGURE S3.1. Locations and core home ranges of pride males (blue) and females (red), delineated from the 50% utilization distribution of a kernel-based home range estimate, using the adehabitatHR package (Calenge 2007).
FIGURE S3.2. Temporal dynamic of pride male and female proximity events as a function to the size of the female core home range and to the proportion of habitats close to waterholes (i.e. <1 km) within it, according to the presence (blue) and absence (orange) of cubs within the pride.
TABLE S3.1. Coefficients (β) and standard errors (SE) for selection ratio model of lioness habitat selection for distance to water (WATER), open habitats (OPEN), and distance to the home range centroid (HR) accounting for the presence/absence of cubs within the pride (CUB; without cub = 0, with cub = 1).
TABLE S3.2. Coefficients (β) and standard errors (SE) for selection ratio models of pride male habitat selection for distance to water (WATER), open habitats (OPEN), and distance to the home range centroid (HR) accounting for the presence/absence of cubs within the pride (CUB; without cub = 0, with cub = 1) and for the presence/absence of females in proximity (FEM; without female = 0, with female = 1).
TABLE S3.3. Coefficients (β) and standard errors (SE) for the GLMMs testing the influence of the mean habitat openness (OPEN) and the presence of cubs (CUB) on (a) the percentage of time pride males spent in proximity with pride females, (b) the frequencies and (c) the duration of male-female proximity events.
APPENDIX S4. Pride male—competitor male association.
FIGURE S4.1. GPS locations of female (green), male (blue) and competitor (red) lions, for each of the 30 studied triads.
FIGURE S4.2. Relationship between the frequencies of proximity events between pride males and competitor males and the overlap of their utilization distribution (i.e. Bhattacharyya's affinity index) according to the presence (blue) and absence (orange) of cubs in the pride.
TABLE S4.1. Frequency of pride male-competitor male proximity events according to the presence of cubs within the pride (CUB) and the overlap of the utilization distributions of pride and competitor males (UD overlap).
TABLE S4.2. Spatial characteristics of proximity events between pride males and competitor males.
TABLE S4.3. Outcome characteristics of proximity events between pride males and competitor males.