This article delves into the multifaceted human rights challenges confronting migrant
women in Botswana, with a particular focus on women from Zimbabwe. The
exploration reveals pervasive gender-specific barriers hampering these women’s access
to essential healthcare and decent employment opportunities. Additionally, it sheds
light on their heightened susceptibility to gender-based violence, exploitation, and
discriminatory practices in the workplace, all of which collectively infringe upon their
fundamental right to dignity. Central to the argument is the imperative to safeguard
and uphold the right to dignity for Zimbabwean migrant women. This necessitates
the establishment of an environment that not only guarantees access to basic human
needs but also fosters a space free from fear and abuse. The article advocates for the
implementation of a “Migration with Dignity Framework” in Botswana. This proposed
framework emphasizes the critical importance of gender-sensitive policies, robust
access to justice mechanisms, non-discrimination initiatives, and the assurance of
healthcare, secure working conditions, and adequate housing.