DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : Annotated mitochondrial genome sequences of the African savanna elephant lice produced in the current study are available in GenBank (accession numbers OQ834926-OQ834934;; raw Illumina sequence data are available in the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) database (BioProject accession number PRJNA1021748). Genomic sequence reads of an Asian elephant louse (SRR5308122) and transcriptomic sequence reads of an Asian elephant louse (SRR2051491) are available in the SRA database (
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL S1. PCR primers used to amplify the mitochondrial genes or minichromosomes of the African savanna elephant louse.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL S2. Mitochondrial cox1 gene sequence divergence between closely related congeneric species of parasitic lice.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL S3. The fully sequenced S2-R-nad4L-M-G-nad3 mitochondrial minichromosome of African savanna elephant louse (RS460). trnG, trnM, trnR and trnS2 are tRNA genes for amino acids glycine, methionine, arginine and serine respectively. nad3 and nad4L are for NADH dehydrogenase subunits 3 and 4L. SKnad4LFO2 and SKnad4LRO2 are the primer pair that amplifies the entire S2-R-nad4L-M-G-nad3 minichromosome.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL S4. Mitochondrial gene sequence divergence between African (RS460) and Asian elephant lice (B1567, SRR5308122.
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL S5. Mitochondrial gene sequence divergence among Asian elephant lice (B1567, SRR5308122 and SRR2051491).
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL S6. Mitochondrial cox1 gene and genome sequence divergence between African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana, GenBank accession number NC_000934) and Asian elephant (Elephas maximus, NC_005129).