Raw and filtered sequencing data and R code are deposited in Dryad Digital Repository (109).
Author contributions: J.P. and R.M.P. designed research; J.P., M.C.H., T.M.A., M.t.B.,
C.M.B., K.S.B., A.B., L.C., S.C.-J., E.C., J.P.G.M.C., M.Y.D., J.E.D., J.A.G., C.I.I., A.I., D.F.K.,
G.I.H.K., S.K., M.L., R.A.L., I.N.M., C.M.N., C.L.P., A.B.P., S.S., P.T., E.W., T.R.K., and R.M.P.
collected samples and/or metadata; J.P., M.C.H., A.B., E.C., M.Y.D., C.B.H., A.I., G.I.H.K.,
M.L., C.M.N., A.B.P., P.T., and T.R.K. conducted laboratory work and/or bioinformatic
processing; J.P. and R.M.P. analyzed data; and J.P. and R.M.P. wrote the paper.