DATA AVAILABILTY STATEMENT : Some data is available as supplementary material and the rest under
the UPSpace institutional repository, URI: (date dissertation was
available online 11 March 2022).
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL : FIGURE S1: Enhanced product ions scan mass spectrum of CD inclusion complexes with (a) CAT, (b) GA, and (c) EGCG. CD—beta cyclodextrin, CAT—catechin, GA—gallic acid, EGCG—epigallocatechin gallate; FIGURE S2: Inhibition of AGEs formation by non-digested (ND) and following simple (SD) and complex (CD) digestion of nonencapsulated and encapsulated CAT/GA, CAT/EGCG, and GA/EGCG combinations evaluated with the (a) BSA-MGO and (b) BSA-FRU models at 100 M for each polyphenol in each sample. The data is represented as the mean SEM of at least five experiments performed in duplicates. ND—nondigested, SD—simple digestion, CD—complex digestion, AGEs—advanced glycation end-products, BSA—bovine serum albumin, MGO—methylglyoxal, FRU—fructose, CAT—catechin, GA—gallic acid, EGCG—epigallocatechin gallate. The * and + represent significant (p < 0.05) differences between non-encapsulated and encapsulated ND compared with the respective SD or CD samples. The denotes significant (p < 0.05) differences between the non-encapsulated and encapsulated for each treatment; TABLE S1: Polyphenol–polyphenol interactions on antioxidant activity (ORAC assay ( M TE)); TABLE S2: Polyphenol–polyphenol interactions on antiglycation activity (AGEs assay (%)); TABLE S3: Polyphenol–polyphenol interactions on cellular antioxidant activity (DCFH-DA assay (%)).