Information needs and contextualization in the consultation process of dictionaries that are linked to e-texts

Show simple item record Bothma, T.J.D. (Theodorus Jan Daniel) Gouws, Rufus H. 2023-09-02T10:50:03Z 2023-09-02T10:50:03Z 2022
dc.description.abstract This article focuses on various aspects regarding contextualization when e-texts are linked to integrated dictionaries. The article responds to a twofold problem statement: (1) Dictionaries linked to e-texts do not sufficiently take into account the contextualization and contextualization of words when providing information to users. (2) The integrated dictionary may contain the items needed for contextualization and contextualization, but the e-device cannot interpret the con-text of a word and link the word to the relevant item in the dictionary article. The aim of the article is to show the need of linking a word from a text on an e-device to the correct sense in the integrated dictionary. This presupposes dynamic dictionary articles and lexicographic structures in which a relation between words in an e-text and user-specified lexicographic sources is established. Some existing projects that perform such linking are discussed and evaluated. Based on these results this article makes some suggestions. It is foreseen that there will be a "black box" of software between the selected word and the dictionary that will determine the correct lemma and sense to be selected from the e-dictionary. Having discussed various alternatives, the article suggests parallel contextualization between the dictionary and the software of the e-device. Many aspects discussed in this article require further research. Relevant proposals are made with regard to this research. en_US
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel fokus op verskeie aspekte van kontekstualisering wanneer e-tekste gekoppel word aan geintegreerde woordeboeke. Die artikel het 'n tweevoudige probleemstelling: (1) Woordeboeke wat aan e-tekste gekoppel is, verreken nie die kontekstualisering en kotekstualisering van woorde genoegsaam wanneer inligting aan gebruikers gebied word nie. (2) Die geintegreerde woordeboek mag wel die aanduiders wat nodig is vir kontekstualisering en kotekstualisering bevat, maar die e-apparaat kan nie die konteks van 'n woord interpreteer en dit aan die tersaaklike aanduider in die woordeboek koppel nie. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die behoefte aan te toon om 'n woord in 'n teks op 'n e-apparaat aan die regte betekenisonderskeiding in die geintegreerde woordeboek te koppel. Dit voor-veronderstel dinamiese woordeboekartikels en leksikografiese strukture waarin 'n verhouding tussen woorde in 'n e-teks en gebruikerbepaalde leksikografiese bronne gevestig word. Enkele bestaande projekte waarin hierdie soort koppeling voorkom, word bespreek en geevalueer. Na aanleiding van die resultate hiervan word bepaalde voorstelle gemaak. Dit word voorsien dat daar 'n "black box" met sagteware tussen die gekose woord en die woordeboek sal wees wat die korrekte lemma en betekenisonderskeiding in die e-woordeboek sal bepaal. Verskeie alternatiewe word bespreek waarna parallelle kontekstualisering tussen die woordeboek en die sagteware van die e-apparaat voorgestel word. Baie aspekte wat in hierdie artikel bespreek word, vereis verdere navorsing en relevante voorstelle word in hierdie verband gemaak. en_US
dc.description.department Information Science en_US
dc.description.librarian am2023 en_US
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Bothma, T.J.D. & Gouws, R.H. 2022, ' Information needs and contextualization in the consultation process of dictionaries that are linked to e-texts', Lexikos, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 53-81, doi : 10.5788/32-2-1697. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1684-4904 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2224-0039 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.5788/32-2-1697
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Buro van die WAT en_US
dc.rights © Buro van die WAT. en_US
dc.subject Context en_US
dc.subject Contextualization en_US
dc.subject Context en_US
dc.subject Dictionary consultation en_US
dc.subject e-Device en_US
dc.subject e-Reader en_US
dc.subject e-Text en_US
dc.subject Integrated dictionary en_US
dc.subject Lexicographic needs en_US
dc.subject Linking en_US
dc.subject Parallel contextualization en_US
dc.subject Text reception en_US
dc.subject e-Apparaat en_US
dc.subject E-Leser en_US
dc.subject e-Teks en_US
dc.subject Geintegreerde woordeboek en_US
dc.subject Konteks en_US
dc.subject Kontekstualisering en_US
dc.subject Konteks en_US
dc.subject Koppeling en_US
dc.subject Leksikografiese behoeftes en_US
dc.subject Parallelle kontekstualisering en_US
dc.subject Teksbegrip en_US
dc.subject Woordeboekraadpleging en_US
dc.title Information needs and contextualization in the consultation process of dictionaries that are linked to e-texts en_US
dc.title.alternative Inligtingsbehoeftes en kontekstualisering in die raadpleging van woordeboeke wat aan e-tekste gekoppel is en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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