This paper documents the results of a supply chain management (SCM) case study
conducted at Centurion Ice Cream and Sweets CC, a producer of ice cream in the
greater Gauteng area. The current SCM environment was first analyzed before the
distribution function was identified as a prime candidate for further analysis. A
Monte Carlo simulation was subsequently performed to investigate the effect of
different distribution scenarios. The paper concludes with an investigation into
information technology (IT) as the enabler for improved supply chain performance.
Hierdie artikel dokumenteer die resultate van ‘n voorsieningskanaalgevallestudie
uitgevoer by Centurion Ice Cream and Sweets CC, ‘n roomysvervaardiger in die
Gauteng-area. Die voorsieningskanaal is eers ontleed voordat die distribusiefunksie
geïdentifiseer is as ‘n kandidaat vir verdere analise. ‘n Monte Carlo-simulasie
uitgevoer om die effek van verskillende distribusiescenarios te ondersoek. Die
artikel sluit af met ‘n ondersoek na inligtingstegnologie as katalisator vir verbeterde