The present study starts from the discovery that reincarnationist ideas have spread massively
throughout European and Western thought in general, in a framework where the belief in one
life was defining. However, the quandary between the two afterlife interpretations in
contemporary Western culture is distinct from similar conflicts in other times or places because
post-Christian critique of the Christian tradition shapes how reincarnation theory is understood
in the West today. Therefore, the present study shifts the debate from the realm of scientific and
philosophical arguments to that of human needs and their cultural overtones. Contemporary
reincarnationist theories circulating in the West are re-read through the grid of cultural
criticism aimed at the shortcomings of one’s own tradition. As a next step, it is shown that only
one of the forms that have developed within the Western tradition is the target of this criticism.
The plurality of Christian eschatologies is yet unknown to most contemporary Westerners.
This article is a plea for knowledge and contextualisation, which are prerequisites for
navigating the ideational universe.
CONTRIBUTION : This article addresses the dilemma between reincarnation and one-life theories
as perceived by the contemporary Western mind and deciphers it in the light of human needs
and contextual cultural criticism, while also pointing to the internal plurality of the Christian
tradition that remains largely unknown to those involved in the debate.
Special Collection: Orthodox Theology in Dialogue with other Theologies and with Society, sub-edited by Daniel Buda (Lucian Blaga
University, Romania) and Jerry Pillay (University of Pretoria).