While there was arguably a need for multi-authored, multi-volume, metalexicographic handbooks
three decades ago – when the field of metalexicography was still ‘young’ – it is a bit puzzling to
make sense of the current output-flurry in this field. Is it simply a matter of ‘every publisher trying to fill
its shelves’? or is there really a need in the scientific community for more and (continuously) updated
reference works? And once available, are such works also consulted? Which parts? By whom? How often?
For what purposes? In this paper we look at an ongoing, real-world metalexicographic handbook project
to answer these questions.
This paper is part of the publication: Klosa-Kückelhaus, Annette/Engelberg, Stefan/
Möhrs, Christine/Storjohann, Petra (eds.) (2022): Dictionaries and Society.
Proceedings of the XX EURALEX International Congress. Mannheim: IDS-Verlag