dc.contributor.author |
Ajayi, O.
dc.contributor.author |
De Vries, Marne
dc.date.accessioned |
2023-02-22T09:09:55Z |
dc.date.available |
2023-02-22T09:09:55Z |
dc.date.issued |
2022-05-06 |
dc.description.abstract |
Many service delivery performance assessment (SDPA) tools exist globally that address the need to measure actual performance against pre-defined standards and to take corrective action to improve service delivery. The purpose of this paper is to guide the selection of the most appropriate SDPA tool for South Africa. Given the overwhelming civic unrest linked to public service performance levels, a solution is needed urgently. This study therefore presents a scientific approach to the process of deciding on a shortlist of off-the-shelf solutions, based on the criteria of effectiveness, project, and technical, so that a decision on the most appropriate tool for South Africa can be made on the basis of the synthesised results and a sensitivity analysis. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used, and the performance journey mapping (PJM) tool has been selected on the basis of criteria and sub-criteria that were also validated for their practicality. |
en_US |
dc.description.abstract |
Baie diensleweringsprestasie-evaluering (SDPA)-instrumente bestaan wêreldwyd wat die behoefte aanspreek om werklike prestasie teen voorafbepaalde standaarde te meet en om regstellende stappe te neem om dienslewering te verbeter. Die doel van hierdie artikel is om die keuse van die mees geskikte SDPA-instrument vir Suid-Afrika te lei. Gegewe die oorweldigende burgerlike onrus gekoppel aan staatsdiensprestasievlakke, is 'n oplossing dringend nodig. Hierdie studie bied dus 'n wetenskaplike benadering tot die proses om te besluit op 'n kortlys van kommersieel beskikbare oplossings, gebaseer op die kriteria van doeltreffendheid, projek en tegnies, sodat 'n besluit oor die mees geskikte hulpmiddel vir Suid-Afrika geneem kan word op grond van die gesintetiseerde resultate en 'n sensitiwiteitsanalise. Die analitiese hiërargieproses (AHP) word gebruik, en die prestasiereiskartering-instrument (PJM) is gekies op grond van kriteria en subkriteria wat ook vir hul praktiese toepassing bekragtig is. |
en_US |
dc.description.department |
Industrial and Systems Engineering |
en_US |
dc.description.librarian |
am2023 |
en_US |
dc.description.uri |
http://sajie.journals.ac.za |
en_US |
dc.identifier.citation |
Ajayi, O. & De Vries, M. 2022, 'Selecting a public service delivery assessment tool for South Africa : an application of the AHP method', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 139-153, doi : 10.7166/33-1-2547. |
en_US |
dc.identifier.issn |
1012-277X (print) |
dc.identifier.issn |
2224-7890 (online) |
dc.identifier.other |
10.7166/33-1-2547 |
dc.identifier.uri |
https://repository.up.ac.za/handle/2263/89756 |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en_US |
dc.publisher |
Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering |
en_US |
dc.rights |
© 2022 Oluyomi Ajayi, Marne De Vries. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Analitiese hiërargieproses (AHP) |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Public service delivery |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Performance assessment |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Multi-criteria decision making |
en_US |
dc.subject |
South Africa (SA) |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Suid-Afrika (SA) |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Service delivery performance assessment (SDPA) |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Diensleweringsprestasie-evaluering |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Prestasiereiskartering-instrument |
en_US |
dc.subject |
Performance journey mapping (PJM) |
en_US |
dc.title |
Selecting a public service delivery assessment tool for South Africa : an application of the AHP method |
en_US |
dc.type |
Article |
en_US |