The Rado graph, denoted R, is the unique (up to isomorphism) countably infinite random graph. It satisfies the extension property, that is, for two finite sets U and V of vertices of R there is a vertex outside of both U and V connected to every vertex in U and none in V . This property of the Rado graph allows us to prove
quite a number of interesting results, such as a 0-1-law for graphs. Amongst other things, the Rado graph is partition regular, non-fractal, ultrahomogeneous, saturated, resplendent, the Fra´ıss´e-limit of the class of finite graphs, a non-standard model of the first-order theory of finite graphs, and has a complete decidable theory.
We classify the definable subgraphs of the Rado graph and prove results for finite graphs that satisfy a restricted version of the extension property. We also mention some parallels between the rationals viewed as a linear order and the Rado graph.