S1 Text. Allele size standardization.
S1 Table. Earlier reported associations of microsatellite alleles with low body condition
and bovine tuberculosis (BTB) infection risk.
S2 Table. Allele size standardization.
S3 Table. Overview of alleles selected for analysis.
S4 Table. p-MDTA allele frequencies per population.
S5 Table. Per-locus Pearson correlation between ‘p-MDTA minus p-wildtype’ allele frequency
difference and latitude, and between He and latitude.
S6 Table. He per locus per population.
S7 Table. Linkage disequilibrium per population.
S8 Table. He per locus in KNP, HiP and Addo NP.
S1 Fig. Increase of pairwise FST with geographic distance.
S2 Fig. Multilocus-He cline based on twelve microsatellites per locality.
S3 Fig. Multilocus-He cline based on seven microsatellites analysed in both East and southern
Africa (microsatellite sets A, B and D) plus ABS010 and AGLA293.
S4 Fig. Correlation between per-locus southern/northern KNP He ratio and He-latitude
Pearson correlation, based on 19 microsatellites.