Transport is a major concern for South Africans and remains a constraint to the livelihoods
of many people. Concerns range from the state of road, rail and facility infrastructure and
service levels of public transport to e-tolls and law enforcement. The Institute of Transport
and Logistics Studies has revived its annual State of Transport Opinion Poll to provide a
comprehensive perspective on the transport issues that are faced by Gauteng residents. A
survey of 521 respondents was conducted to gauge their opinions on transport-related
matters. Previous polls (2012-2015) were used as a base for comparison. The study found
a major dampening of enthusiasm regarding the state of transport, both country-wide and
in their local areas, with most people believing that improvements are unlikely in the near
future. Major issues continue to be the poor state of public transport services, the
worsening condition of road infrastructure, and weak law enforcement. Gauteng residents
also indicated that the public transport service providers did not sufficiently adhere to
COVID-19 protocols. By implication, the commuting public faces insufficient, poor-quality
services, where people are left vulnerable to crime, accidents, and illness. This information
could be of value to policymakers by expanding on household travel data to add to the
database of opinions and concerns about a broad range of transport-related issues