A major objective of local government in South Africa, as defined in the Constitution,
is to ensure the provision of services to communities in a sustainable manner.
However, neglect of infrastructure continues to hamper access to service delivery,
affecting all citizens and the economy. Informed by the author’s own long career
involvement and current research programme in infrastructure operation and
maintenance, together with current extensive secondary research, he identified that
lack of care for infrastructure leads directly to infrastructure failure. This, in turn,
harms the economy and inconveniences citizens, and, in some instances, even
deprives them of their rights. This article draws attention to some generic reasons
for the failure of infrastructure and service delivery and explores ways for measuring
infrastructure and service delivery deficits. It emphasises the consequences of
service delivery failure and notes the experiences of four towns, all of which have
service delivery deficits. The article then contrasts the public statements of authorities
such as Ministers and the Auditor General with the dearth of effective action on the
part of many municipalities, and asks why this should be.