Paper presented at the South African Association of Public Administration and Management (SAAPAM) 9th Annual Conference, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, 30-31 October 2008. The Conference theme was "Consolidating state capacity".
The local government sphere plays a significant developmental role in the
provision of public goods and services to the communities of South Africa. The
effectiveness of municipalities in this sphere, to deliver on their mandate is largely
dependent on their ability to plan and allocate public resources in a developmental
and sustainable manner. This paper defines the relationship which exists between
a municipality’s integrated development plan (the IDP) and the budget process (the
budget). It is considered necessary, at the outset, to operationalise the context of a
municipality’s legislative mandate, vision, the principles and the milieu within which
an IDP exists, as well as the policy framework within which a municipality’s budget is
framed and adopted. In the process, the purpose of local government in South Africa
is examined. This discussion sets out the framework within which the mandate of a
municipality is framed, the authority, and the requirement to formulate an integrated
development plan, what this plan is, and what it serves to give effect to. Thereafter the
relationship with the budget is explored from an interpretive perspective.