OBJECTIVE : To describe global geographic variations in the diagnosis and management of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS).
METHODS : An international cross-sectional study was conducted among PAS experts practicing at medical institutions in member states of the United Nations. Survey questions focused on diagnostic evaluation and management strategies for PAS.
RESULTS : A total of 134 centers participated. Participating centers represented each of the United Nations' designated regions. Of those, 118 (88%) reported practicing in a medium-volume or high-volume center. First-trimester PAS screen was reported in 35 (26.1%) centers. Respondents consistently implement guideline-supported care practices, including utilization of ultrasound as the primary diagnostic modality (134, 100%) and implementation of multidisciplinary care teams (115, 85.8%). Less than 10% of respondents reported routinely managing PAS without hysterectomy; these centers were predominantly located in Europe and Africa. Antepartum management and availability of mental health support for PAS patients varied widely.
CONCLUSION : Worldwide, there is a strong adherence to PAS care guidelines; however, regional variations do exist. Comparing variations in care to outcomes will provide insight into the clinically significant practice variability.
SYNOPSIS : This international study sought to determine the geographic variations in diagnosis and management of placenta accreta spectrum worldwide.