This study was conducted during 111 days of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) lockdown
and reviewed current media articles that revealed government bodies and institutions have
come to view people not as priceless treasures, but in terms of the money they can generate
and the economic value they may give to a nation. This view was contrasted with the historic
Christian concept of inherent royalty and value that is intrinsic to all people, and embodied in
monarchs and bishops. This study focuses on a review of historical literature and biblical texts
around monarchy and the episcopacy in light of current media articles related to COVID-19. It
found that politics and policy need to be grounded into the more fundamental aspects of our
human condition and that it is the compassion and care people have for those who are more
fragile: be it financially, physically, mentally or spiritually, that bishops and monarchs should
be embodying in a time of COVID-19.
CONTRIBUTION : This study drew its key insights from contested historical thoughts on the role
of monarchs and bishops. The results of this line of thinking challenge us as we consider the
future function and role of these positions, and what they mean in times of crises. The key
insight gained is the reminder that the lives of all people in our communities are important as
each person holds an intrinsic value that cannot be traded for the sake of a country’s economy
and business desires to turn a profit during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This research is
part of the research project,
‘Old Testament and Actuality
Themes and Religion’,
directed by Prof. Dr Dirk
Human, Old Testament and
Hebrew Scriptures, Faculty
of Theology and Religion,
University of Pretoria.