SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE 1. Bayesian Inference consensus tree based on ITS sequence data for species of Sporothrix. Values above nodes indicate posterior probabilities obtained through Bayesian Inference. Values below nodes indicate bootstrap values (1000 replicates) obtained from Maximum Likelihood analysis. The scale bar is in substitutions per site.
SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURE 2. Bayesian Inference consensus tree based on ITS sequence data for species of Graphium. Values above nodes indicate posterior probabilities obtained through Bayesian Inference. Values below nodes indicate bootstrap values (1000 replicates) obtained from Maximum Likelihood analysis. The scale bar is in substitutions per site.
SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE 1. Ophiostomatoid strains and GenBank accession numbers of ITS sequences used for the phylogenetic analysis (Sprorothrix ITS data set)
SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE 2. Ophiostomatoid strains and GenBank accession numbers of ITS sequences used for the phylogenetic analysis (Graphium ITS data set)