Formal colour photo taken outdoors of the 2003 BVSc graduates with Prof HM Terblanche (Deputy Dean), Prof NPJ Kriek (Dean) and Prof P Bland-van den Berg (Director: Clinical Services). The names of the graduates on the photo are: Front (from left to right): V McClure, TMS Makhambeni, N Labuschagne, R Scheepers, KA Kuc (class representative), Prof P Bland-van den Berg (Director: Clinical Services), Prof NPJ Kriek (Dean), Prof HM Terblanche (Deputy Dean), FD Holman with Percy, G Howse, S Govender, S Moodley, S Saimen, LT Odayar ; Second row: EJ Wright, L Govender, KL von Standen, DI Mahabeer, E Coetzee, C Chelchinskey, KL de Waal, MS Masgoret Cuellar, CE May, S Patzner, M Slabber, N Love, RG Gush, I van der Zwan, LH MacGregor ; Third row: Z Fourie, J Cloete, P Sewpershad, KL Hall, R Theron, DD Tooulou, N Lindsay, JV Carrick, LJ Rowney, AL Carroll, AD Engelbrecht, L Floyd ; Fourth row: K Doyle, T Potgierter, M van Beest van Andel, TJ van Eeden, AR Ball, RdT Bester, C Thomas, LC Bultman, JM Bosman ; Fifth row: MI Shortreed, GO Sommerville, S Browning, GC Rosslee, AD Viljoen, JD Hodsdon, CM van den Heever, JC van der Walt ; Sixth row: RW Jeffery, ME Hanni, AS Steyn, AJI Brink, LJ Venter, P van Zyl, AS Tucker ; Seventh row: NJ Pienaar, MH Moseley, CM Austin, WA Botes, SF Rabie, SC Fraser