dc.contributor.author |
Christopher, Lauren Alisa
dc.contributor.author |
De Vries, Marne
dc.date.accessioned |
2021-08-23T14:30:14Z |
dc.date.available |
2021-08-23T14:30:14Z |
dc.date.issued |
2020-11-11 |
dc.description |
Presented at the 31st annual conference of the Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering (SAIIE), held virtually from 5-7 October 2020. |
en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract |
Agile methodologies were created for small co-located teams; but their benefits are now needed for projects with multiple, geographically dispersed teams. This raises the issue of scaled Agile — the modification of Agile to suit grander endeavours. This article introduces a fin-tech company which is building a digital banking platform and is already running Scrum, with the crucial need to scale its Agile approach because numerous globally distributed development teams are working on this project. A systematic inquiry at the enterprise, using interviews and surveys, raised issues about inter-team communication, collaboration, and dependencies, all of which link to issues in the literature about scaling Agile. Using a systematic process of extracting knowledge on Agile-at-scale frameworks from the literature, a comparison of existing frameworks (SAFe, Less, DAD, and Nexus) was used to determine which was best suited, with Nexus being suggested for the enterprise. We conclude by suggesting case study research to experiment further with Nexus. |
en_ZA |
dc.description.abstract |
Ratse metodologieë is geskep vir klein, naby-geleë spanne, maar hul voordele is nou nodig vir projekte met meerdere, geografies verspreide spanne. Daar is dus ʼn behoefte om ratse metodologieë aan te pas om grootskaalse projekte te akkommodeer. ʼn Finansiële-tegnologie maatskappy wat ʼn digitale bankplatform ontwikkel, en reeds van Scrum gebruik maak, word in die artikel bekendgestel. Die maatskappy het ʼn dringende behoefte om sy bestaande ratse benadering op te skaal omdat daar veelvuldige, globaal verspreide ontwikkelingspanne aan dié projek werskaf. ʼn Sistematiese navraag by die maatskappy, deur middel van onderhoude en vraagstukke, het uitdagings met die tussenspan-kommunikasie, samewerking en afhanklikheid uitgelig. Hierdie uitdagings is bekende tekortkominge van grootskaalse ratse benaderings. Deur middel van ʼn sistematiese proses om die kennis van grootskaalse ratse metodologieë vanuit die literatuur te onttrek is daar ʼn vergelyking getref tussen bestaande raamwerke (SAFe, Less, DAD en Nexus). Nexus is identifiseer as die mees geskikte raamwerk. Laastens word ʼn gevallestudie voorgestel om die saak verder, met die gebruik van Nexus, te ondersoek. |
en_ZA |
dc.description.department |
Industrial and Systems Engineering |
en_ZA |
dc.description.librarian |
am2021 |
en_ZA |
dc.description.uri |
http://sajie.journals.ac.za/pub |
en_ZA |
dc.identifier.citation |
Christopher, L.A. & De Vries, M. 2020, 'Selecting a scaled agile approach for a fin-tech company', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 196-208. |
en_ZA |
dc.identifier.issn |
1012-277X (print) |
dc.identifier.issn |
2224-7890 (online) |
dc.identifier.other |
10.7166/31-3-2432 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://hdl.handle.net/2263/81437 |
dc.language.iso |
en |
en_ZA |
dc.publisher |
Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering |
en_ZA |
dc.rights |
Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. |
en_ZA |
dc.subject |
Agile methodologies |
en_ZA |
dc.subject |
Benefits |
en_ZA |
dc.subject |
Projects |
en_ZA |
dc.subject |
Ratse metodologiee |
en_ZA |
dc.subject |
Voordele |
en_ZA |
dc.subject |
Projekte |
en_ZA |
dc.title |
Selecting a scaled agile approach for a fin-tech company |
en_ZA |
dc.type |
Article |
en_ZA |