Formal colour photo taken in front of the Arnold Theiler Building at the Faculty of Veterinary Science Campus of the 1998 BVSc graduates with the Dean, Prof RI Coubrough and Deputy Dean, Prof P Bland-van den Berg. The names of the graduates on the photo are: Front (from left to right): T Fick, MT Nelson, ST Bonelli, MA Jones, AL Eltze, VJ Dodkins, C Pretorius, Prof P Bland-van den Berg (Deputy Dean), AS Bielovich (class representative), Prof RI Coubrough (Dean), TA Dickerson, SB Roos, L Hepplestone, CMB Donnellan, L Schutte, RM Fraser, MF Visser, NC Altschul ; Second row: I Spitze, LD Wichmann, JA Beel, E Nel, M Burger, A Bezuidenhout, RB Smith, PJ Wagner, AB Zambelli, JJP van der Merwe,
A Stone, C Mc Cullough, S Nels, AP Olivier, A Kriel, N Snyman, JC Ryding, S Munz, J Savadier ; Third row: L Watermeyer, JA Pretorius, BT Farrell, DJ McCready, DJ Reeve, BA Burger, JR Webster, GP Purdon, GM Craig, L Morkel, P Traill, Z Milasinovich, CJ Bidwell-Watson, DE Holm, P Moodley, A Davies, FJ Connor, K Böhme ; Fourth row: JM Walsh, DF Watson, PJ Reeve, S Gouws, TC Jordaan, BJ Hey, GJG Simpson, PFW Meyer, GJ Jones, J Rothbart, LA Larkin, S Kühlmeier, MR Hobson, PT Liversage, CJ von der Heyden ; Fifth row: I Cloete, AJ Rowe, AD Argyle, MN Saulez, KM Cruickshank, SC Last, PJ Serfontein, R Treadwell, AF Vatta, JP du Plessis, WA Hamming, M Meter, SH Naudé, SP Haugland