In current research guidelines, much focus is placed on ethical management of animals and
the application of principles of reduction, refinement and replacement. Of these refinements
through environmental enrichment is an important aspect when housing primate to prevent
behavioural problems. In this study, we investigated the co-housing of domestic cats and
vervet monkeys as a novel method of enrichment based on the cohabitation and stress
alleviation effect of horses housed with goats and from seeing cats cohabitating with vervet
monkeys in an animal sanctuary. The study used a habituation method whereby the cats
were stepwise introduced to the monkeys by sight and smell but with physical separation.
Assessment included changes in behaviour, weight and faecal glucocorticoid metabolite
(fGCM) concentrations over time. On the first day of housing, the vervets whilst inquisitive
kept their distance. The vervets housed in cages that were closest to the cats were the most
active and during the first minute of introduction made more alarm calls, which stopped a
few days later. The fGCMs were non-significantly different. The results of this study
provide evidence that vervet monkeys and domestic cats could potentially be housed
together without overt aggression. We thus suggest further observations to ascertain if the
co-housing could have long-term benefits for vervet monkeys, from the companionship
that would be offered by the cats.