This study aimed to establish the extent to which Information and Communication Technologies
(ICTs) have been integrated into the teaching and learning of Geography in Seychelles Secondary
Schools. The focus was on key issues such as policy provisions for the integration of ICTs into the
Seychelles curriculum; teachers’ and students’ perceptions about the use of ICTs in teaching and
learning of Geography; the types of ICTs used; and challenges faced in the integration of ICTs.
Possible solutions are also explored. The researchers opted for a qualitative methodological approach
to generate rich and in-depth data. The aim was to learn and understand from the case rather than to
prove and establish cause and effect. Thus, various methodologies such as document analysis, focus
group discussions and interviews were employed. Geography teachers and students were the main
participants in the study, although other participants such as Ministry of Education officials were also
interviewed. It is anticipated that the research findings and recommendations will benefit
policymakers and practitioners in the Seychelles education system.