Distance education is a learner-centred approach to education that emphasises
independent learning based on the assumption that students are self-motivated
and active in the learning process. However, due to the fact that distance
education students study alone most of the time, there is a need to enhance
their learning experience by providing support structures. Besides supplying
learning materials, the University of Pretoria offers face-to-face support sessions
to facilitate learning. Although students provide feedback on the sessions in the
form of short questionnaires, there is a need to further explore their experiences
using a qualitative approach to capture nuances of how the students experience
and conceptualise learning support. It should also be established whether they
think that it is worthwhile attending the sessions. This paper draws on theoretical
insights from transactional distance theory, focusing on learning support in terms
of dialogue in the learning facilitation process, the structure of the programmes
and learner autonomy. Data was collected by interviewing students enrolled for the
Advanced Certifi cate in Education (ACE): Education Management at the Distance
Education Unit of the University of Pretoria. The study’s fi ndings suggest that the
students consider learning support sessions to be benefi cial. The knowledge and
skills gained during these sessions and through dialogue in the form of networking
with other students contribute to their professional and personal development and
– to some extent – to their learner autonomy. However, a need is identifi ed for the
continuous development of learning support facilitators, material and administrative
support structures to enhance the quality of the support system and to reduce
transactional distance.
Proceedings of the 4th biennial International Conference on
Distance Education and Teachers’ Training in Africa (DETA) held at
the Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique, 3-5 August 2011.