Appendix 1. Theme and individual item mean (SD) scores, by participant type. The themes (7 in total) and statements (66 in total) are listed from highest to lowest ratings.
Appendix 2. Internal consistency, examined using Cronbach’s alpha, for all themes, for both rating questions (participant groups separately).
Appendix 3. The significance of the rank order of the themes as generated by the perceived benefit rating data (participant groups combined) were examined using independent t-tests, with Bonferroni corrected p-values below 0.0023 indicating significance. Significant values are in bold type.
Appendix 4. The significance of the rank order of the themes as generated by the perceived likelihood of use rating data (participant groups combined) were examined using independent t-tests, with Bonferroni corrected p-values below 0.0023 indicating significance. Significant differences are in bold type.