Corruption has a destructive impact on the achievement of good governance and this has become evident in the governance of South Africa. South Africa has a systemically corrupt public sector, making it one of the most corrupt countries on the continent. Having an understanding of the principles guiding public administration in the Constitution juxtaposed with the extent of corruption in the South African public service, it is apparent that whistle-blowing is a necessary tool in the eradication of corruption as a fundamental anti-corruption mechanism. However, due to the expanse of unethical behaviour in the public sector organisational culture, whistle-blowing is stigmatised and negatively perceived by public servants. When a wrongdoing is committed, retribution is faced by the whistle-blower and not the perpetrator. Whistleblowing is thus not institutionalised into the South African public sector despite the existence of legislation supporting and promoting whistle-blowing. This characterises the sector as one with a whistlegenic organisational culture.
Given the context in which reporting wrongdoing exists, this study sought to explore the institutionalisation of whistle-blowing in the South African public sector. The primary objective of the study was to determine the current state of whistle-blowing, the challenges thereof, focusing primarily on the Gauteng provincial departments as the area informing the study. The study also aimed to investigate how an ethogenic organisational culture, in which whistle-blowing is embedded in the culture, can be achieved in the public service of South Africa.
The study employed the qualitative research approach. E-mail interviews were
conducted with the Integrity Management Unit of the Gauteng Province in addition to a focus group interview conducted with the ethics officers of the Gauteng provincial departments. The onus of promoting ethical behaviour and thereby the anti-corruption measures provincial departments lies on the selected participants making them suitable to inform the research. The study employed a thematic analysis to analyse the collated findings. The study found that there are numerous challenges faced within the public sector that deter employees from whistle-blowing, in addition to the fear of retaliation. Ultimately, these challenges are a consequence of a systemically corrupt organisational culture and weaknesses in leadership. Subsequently, the study provided feasible recommendations which may be applied in the public sector to achieve an ethogenic organisational culture.