Although theoretical training of veterinary students is uncomplicated even for larger groups,
practical training remains a challenge. Much has been said about the value of practical training
in curriculum design. Yet, the impact of practical training on theoretical knowledge needs
further research. A cohort of 89 students with very limited clinical practical experience
completed an assessment at the end of their theoretical training in small ruminants. The scores
obtained by the students were compared with those obtained by a group of 35 veterinarians
who volunteered to participate in the study. In addition to comparing the scores between
students and practitioners, the cognitive level of each of the questions was considered. Overall,
veterinarians achieved higher test scores than did the students. The veterinarians outperformed
the students in all cognitive levels except for ‘applying’ type questions where there was no
difference. Different levels of experience, namely young veterinarians (n = 11), established
veterinarians (n = 13) and veterinarians approaching retirement (n = 11), were evaluated
against the revised Bloom’s cognitive levels. When modelling congress attendance frequency,
years’ experience, proportion of time spent with ruminants and revised Bloom’s levels,
congress attendance was not a significant variable, and thus, only the other three variables
remained. This investigation found that practical experience has a positive effect on theoretical
knowledge. The type of practical experience and where such practical experience is included
in a curriculum need further research. Working for a number of years in a specific discipline
will provide the best support for theoretical knowledge.