The purpose of my study was to explore the different ways in which teachers in full-service and special needs schools implement inclusive education policy with learners who are visually impaired. My study was focused on 4 schools in the Gauteng province consisting of 2 full-service schools and 2 special needs schools. The study specifically focused on the teaching strategies which teachers used with learners who are visually impaired. I relied on an interpretivist meta-theory and employed a qualitative research approach to my study. I utilised a multiple case study design and relied on multiple sources of data collection which included participatory action research (PAR) based workshops, observations, field notes, audio-visual data and a research diary to document the research process. I conducted an inductive thematic analysis on the data that was collected. The findings of the study indicated that teachers in full-service schools and special schools both adopted similar implementation strategies such as having making various adaptations to the learning materials and the actions of the teacher in being an implementer. Some of the differences were also made mention of between the full-service and special schools. Teachers did also note some of their needs and challenges in relation to resources needed such as braille machines, embossing machines and various assistive devices.