The socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on society have yet to be truly revealed; there is no doubt that the pandemic
has severely affected the daily lives of most of humanity. It is to be expected that the research activities of scientists
could be impacted to varying degrees, but no data exist on how COVID-19 has affected research specifically.
Here, we show that the still ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has already diversely and negatively affected bee research at
a global level. An online survey disseminated through the global COLOSS honey bee research association showed that
every participant (n¼230 from 56 countries) reported an impact on one or more of their activities. Activities that
require travelling or the physical presence of people (meetings and conferences, teaching and extension) were affected
the most, but also laboratory and field activities, daily operations, supervision and other activities were affected to varying
degrees. Since the basic activities are very similar for many research fields, it appears as if our findings for bee
research can be extrapolated to other fields. In the light of our data, we recommend that stakeholders such as governments
and funding bodies who support research should facilitate the wide implementation of web-based information
technology required for efficient online communication for research and education, as well as adequately loosened
restriction measures with respect to field and laboratory work. Finally, increased flexibility in administration and extension
of research grants and fellowships seem to be needed. It is apparent that adequate responses by all stakeholders
are required to limit the impact of COVID-19 and future pandemics on bee science and other research fields.