The modern use of the word ‘persecution’ in both speeches and books shows a phenomenon
that is almost wholly associated with religion. However, persecution is a threat to the peace of
religious institutions as well as various societies all over the world; thus, this makes it a
phenomenon beyond the scope of religion. However, this research focuses on religious
persecution. It studies an aspect of persecution which is called intra muros persecution. This
means ‘internal’ persecution. ‘Internal’ in this context describes the kind that existed in the
Jewish religious settings, amongst professing Jews, strictly between Rabbinic Jews and
Messianic Jews as predicted in Matthew 10:16–23 and is reflected in today’s Christianity in the
form of various intra-denominational attacks in Nigeria. The study delves into the history of
events which took place between Rabbinic Jews and Messianic Jews and how it relates to the
Christian faith, coming out with the discovery that division which it called sectarianism was
the brain behind this brand of persecution. The application of the study to the Nigerian
situation necessitates the call for tolerance amongst various denominational sects in Nigeria.
Dr Peters is a research
associate of Prof. Dr Ernest
van Eck, Department of
New Testament and Related
Literature, Faculty of
Theology and Religion,
University of Pretoria.