Additional file 1. Questionnaire Details of the questionnaire provided
to participants prior to enrolment in the study. The questionnaire details
essential required information, clinical information, voluntary dietary
information and questions regarding data sharing.
Additional file 2. Results from the partition of variance analysis in RDA
Additional file 3: Fig. S1. Rarefaction plot showing sequencing
coverage. The estimated average sequence coverage of high-quality
paired end reads after quality control assessed using Nonpareil (in
alignment mode).
Additional file 4: Fig. S2. Venn diagram showing the unique and
shared phylotypes for samples collected from urban and rural
Additional file 5: Fig. S3. Taxa abundance data was normalised to
obtain the proportion of most abundant taxa per sample. The diameter
of the points at the bottom of the plot corresponds to the magnitude of
the LCBD value for a particular sample. The bars correspond to taxa that
are most abundant with the top taxa sharing a bigger portion of the bar
for each sample.