Since the end of the Cold War, the practice of defence diplomacy has received
much attention, as has the proactive prevention of conflict. However, the preventive
diplomacy of defence forces – something that is implied in the literature – has been
less well articulated. This article addresses the theoretical lacuna by means of a pivotal
qualification: the conceptual demarcation is narrowed down to non-coercive defence
diplomacy (NCDD). NCDD is based on the principles of transparency, reputation and
integrity and, per definition, it eschews violence or the threat thereof. It is therefore an
exclusive subset of the wide range of international defence cooperation (generically
referred to as ‘defence diplomacy’) in which defence forces engage. When NCDD
activities are synchronised with the early stages of conflict development, the escalation
of conflict is avoided. This is because NCDD requires of defence forces to conduct
their cooperative international relations in a manner that promotes confidence and
trust: essential elements of security that are integral to sustainable peace. Within the
realm of diplomatic statecraft, the potential agency of defence forces in the prevention
of conflict therefore warrants more strategic attention. It is especially required in
Africa, where stable peace remains elusive and post-colonial military influence in
intra- and inter-state politics has been mostly problematic.