Supporting Information:
Figure S1. Genotype accumulation curve for Teratosphaeria destructans. Nine loci were sufficient to identify 100% (red dashed line) of the multilocus genotypes (MLGs) present in the clone-corrected data set.
Figure S2. Rarefaction curve to calculate the expected multilocus genotypes (eMLG) in five Teratosphaeria destructans populations, indicative of genotypic richness.
Figure S3. Structure plot for Teratosphaeria destructans isolates from six geographic populations. The optimal number of genetic clusters (ΔK) = 3. Each vertical bar represents one individual.
Table S1. Sampling information and the MAT1 idiomorph, multilocus genotype (MLG), and discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC) cluster identity for 195 Teratosphaeria destructans isolates.
Table S2. Probability of the occurrence and repeated occurrence of multilocus genotypes (MLGs) in the Teratosphaeria destructans data set, calculated in MLGsim v. 2.0.