Additional file 1: Baseline characteristics at 6 weeks postpartum
presented by patterns of MV per time-point. MV- non-attendance at
scheduled postnatal care visits. Proportions of participants who missed
each follow-up visit point when they were eligible to attend it. The proportions are presented per sub-group of each baseline characteristic
measured at 6 weeks postpatrum, i.e., row percentages are given. Significant
chi-squared ps for differences in proportions of MV between sub-groups of
each baseline characteristic, per visit point, are presented in bold face. All
proportions were adjusted for survey sampling weights (W %). South
African provinces- WC-Western Cape, NW-North West, NC-Northen
Cape, MP-Mpumalanga, LP-Limpopo, KZN-KwaZulu Natal, GP-Gauteng,
FS-Free State, EC-Eastern Cape.
Additional file 2: Actual number of missed visits (MV-frequency)
presented according to the number of scheduled (exposed) visits. The
number and percentage of participants who missed a specific number of
visits out of the total number of scheduled visits they were expected to
attend (exposed visits). The description of ‘exposed visits’ is given in
Methods under ‘Describing patterns of ‘missed visits” sub-heading. For
example, a total of 23 participants were expected to have attended
only 3 visits (3 was their total number of exposed visits), 7 of these
attended all the three visits (MV-frequency = 0) and 16 missed 1 visit.