Additional Supporting Information:
Fig. S1. (A) Blood flow rate (Q_ , cm3 s-1) and (B) calculated wall shear stress (s, dyne cm-2) in seven major cephalic arteries in relation to lumen radius (ri, cm) in humans. The arteries are the common carotid (CCA), internal carotid (ICA), vertebral (VA), basilar (BA), anterior cerebral (ACA), middle cerebral (MCA) and posterior cerebral (PCA).
Table S1. Data for cephalic artery size, blood flow rate and wall shear stress taken from 19 published studies of adult humans. Table S2. Mean 95% CI arterial lumen radii, blood flow rates, and calculated wall shear stress (WSS) of single arteries of the human cephalic circulation based on data from 10 exclusively PC-MRI studies.