Quality of education in schools requires accurate descriptions of all its components to judge its realization and plan for its
improvement. However, it can be difficult to obtain such descriptions in an effective manner. This article aims to propose
a unified conceptual framework for quality of education in schools to facilitate an understanding of the quality of education.
The conceptual framework proposed here is multi-dimensional in nature and based on operational experience by the
authors with studying education systems’ performance in general, and particularly, quality of education in schools. The
unified conceptual framework proposed here is informed by systems theory and acknowledges the interdependence among
the components of quality of education and levels of the education system. In conclusion, we reiterate the importance of a
conceptual framework for quality of education that explicates the relationships among the numerous education components
(inputs, processes, and outputs) among the various education levels of the education system (national, tertiary, school, and
pre-school) as a primary science for understanding the quality of education in schools as an essential step toward providing
a scientific base for the study of education quality in schools.