Supplementary Figure S1. Restriction map of the plasmids used in this study (A: pBHt-2; B: pCAMBIA0380; C: pC-g-418-GFP; D: pC-HYG-GFP). HygR= hygromycin B resistance cassettes, ZsGreen 1= gfp gene, g-418= geneticin resistance cassette and KanR= kanamycin resistance cassette.
Supplementary Figure S2. Effect of different parameters (number of conidia and concentration of bacterial cells) during co-cultivation at 25 °C with A. tumefaciens used for ATMT on Ceratocystis albifundus strains CMW 13980 (A) CMW 4068 (B) and CMW40625 (C) for the 4 vectors included in this study (pC-HYG-GFP, pC-g-418-GFP, pCAMBIA0380 and pBHt2). Bars represent standard error, where different letters indicate significantly different means (p < 0.05) based on Tukey’s tests. The letters a-c show differences among bacterial cell concentrations (optical density at 600nm) relative to specific conidial concentrations, while the letters x-z, show differences among conidial concentration relative to specific bacterial cell concentrations.
Supplementary Figure S3. A, B: Agarose gel of PCR products obtained with hph specific primers from the C. albifundus transformants carrying plasmids pC-HYG-GFP (A), pBHt2 (A) and pCAMBIA0380 (B). A: Randomly selected hygromycin-resistant transformants obtained with the binary vectors pC-HYG-GFP (lanes 2-3: CMW 13980; lanes 5-6: CMW 4068 and lanes 9-10: CMW 40625) and pBHt-2 (lanes 4: CMW 13980; 7-8: CMW 4068; 11-12: CMW 40625) were used as PCR templates. Lane 13: plasmid DNA of pBHt-2 used as positive control; lane 14: negative control; lane M: 100bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen, USA). B: gDNA of randomly selected hygromycin resistant transformants carrying the binary vector pCAMBIA0380 (lanes 2–3: CMW 13980; 4-5: CMW 4068; 6-7: CMW 40625) were used as PCR templates. Lane 8: plasmid DNA of pCAMBIA0380 used as positive control; lane M: 100bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen, USA). C, D: Agarose gel of PCR products obtained with gfp specific primers from the C. albifundus transformants carrying plasmids pC-HYG-GFP (A), pBHt-2 (A) and pC-g-418-GFP (B). C: gDNA of randomly selected gfp-expressed transformants obtained with the binary vectors pC-HYG-GFP (lanes 1-2: CMW 13980; lanes 4-5: CMW 4068 and lanes 8-9: CMW 40625) and pBHt-2 (lanes 3: CMW 13980; 6-7: CMW 4068; 10-11: CMW 40625) were used as PCR templates. Lane 12: plasmid DNA of pBHt-2 used as positive control; lane 13: negative control; lane M: 100bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen, USA). D: gDNA of randomly selected hygromycin resistant transformants carrying the binary vector pC-g-418-GFP (lanes 2–3: CMW 13980; 4-5: CMW 4068; 6-7: CMW 40625) were used as PCR templates. Lane 8: plasmid DNA of pC-g-418-GFP used as positive control; lane 9: negative control; lane M: 100bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen, USA). E. Agarose gel of PCR products obtained with g-418 specific primers from the C. albifundus transformants. gDNA of randomly selected geneticin resistant transformants obtained with the binary vectors pC-g-418-GFP (lanes 1–3: 13980; 4-7: CMW 4068; 8-11: CMW 40625) were used as PCR templates. The positive control, plasmid DNA of pC-g-418-GFP (lane 12). The negative control, gDNA of C. albifundus wild type (lane 13). Lane M contains 100bp DNA ladder (Invitrogen, USA).
Supplementary Figure S4. Fluorescence micrographs of C. albifundus transformants showing constitutive expression of GFP. A-H. CMW 13980, I-P. CMW4068 and Q-X. CMW 40625. A, C, E: Bright field image of the CMW 13980 hyphae carrying plasmids pC-HYG-GFP, pC-g-418-GFP and pBHt2, respectively; B, D, F: Green fluorescence of the same hyphae. I, K, M: Bright field image of the CMW 4068 hyphae carrying plasmids pC-HYG-GFP, pC-g-418-GFP and pBHt2, respectively; J, L, N: Green fluorescence of the same hyphae. Q, S, U: Bright field image of the CMW 40625 hyphae carrying plasmids pC-HYG-GFP, pC-g-418-GFP and pBHt2, respectively. R, T, V: Green fluorescence of the same hyphae G, O, W: Bright field image of the wild type control of strains CMW 13980, CMW 4068 and CMW 40625, respectively, H, P and X: Same hyphae under the fluorescent microscope.
Supplementary Figure S5. Colony diameter of C. albifundus isolates CMW 13980, CMW 4068 and CMW 40625 after 21 d at 25 °C on 2% MEA amended with different concentrations of either kanamycin (A) or carbenicillin (B).