Huldyrch Zwingli, the first Swiss reformer in Zurich, made significant contributions to the
16th-century Reformation, yet he remains relatively unknown, if not forgotten. He is generally
overshadowed by other reformers, such as Martin Luther and John Calvin. This article
attempts to bring Zwingli to the surface by examining some of his contributions in Zurich
which impacted the Reformation at large. This is especially significant because 2019 marks the
500th anniversary of Zwingli. The aim of the article is to provide an overview of Zwingli’s
contributions to the Reformation and point out how his works, in given areas such as faith and
society, theology and sacraments, have stimulated further developments and dialogues during
the Reformation and beyond.
This research is part of the
project, ‘African Christianity
and Development’, directed
by Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay,
Department of Church
History and Church Polity,
Faculty of Theology and
Religion, University of