African swine fever : update on Eastern, Central and Southern Africa

Show simple item record Mulumba-Mfumu, Leopold K. Saegerman, Claude Dixon, Linda K. Madimba, Kapanga C. Kazadi, Eric Mukalakata, Ndeji T. Oura, Chris A.L. Chenais, Erika Masembe, Charles Stahl, Karl Thiry, Etienne Penrith, Mary-Louise 2019-11-07T08:37:44Z 2019-07
dc.description.abstract Control of African swine fever (ASF) in countries in Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA) is particularly complex owing to the presence of all three known epidemiological cycles of maintenance of the virus, namely an ancient sylvatic cycle involving the natural hosts and vectors of the disease as well as domestic cycles with and without involvement of natural vectors. While the situation is well documented in some of the countries, for others very little information is available. In spite of the unfavourable ASF situation, the pig population in the sub‐region has grown exponentially in recent decades and is likely to continue to grow in response to rapid urban growth resulting in increasing demand for animal protein by populations that are no longer engaged in livestock production. Better management of ASF will be essential to permit the pig sector to reach its full potential as a supplier of high quality protein and a source of income to improve livelihoods and create wealth. No vaccine is currently available and it is likely that, in the near future, the sub‐region will continue to rely on the implementation of preventive measures, based on the epidemiology of the disease, to avoid both the devastating losses that outbreaks can cause and the risk the sub‐region poses to other parts of Africa and the world. The current situation in the ECSA sub‐region is reviewed and gaps in knowledge are identified in order to support ongoing strategy development for managing ASF in endemic areas. en_ZA
dc.description.department Veterinary Tropical Diseases en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2020-07-01
dc.description.librarian hj2019 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship LKD received funding from UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC grant BBS/E/1/00007035. CM’s ASF research is funded by a Wellcome Trust Fellowship (Grant 105684/Z/14/Z) and the African Union Commission (Grant AURG‐II‐1‐196‐2016). en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Mulumba-Mfumu LK, Saegerman C, Dixon LK, et al. African swine fever: Update on Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2019;66:1462–1480. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1865-1674 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1865-1682 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1111/tbed.13187
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Wiley en_ZA
dc.rights © 2019 Blackwell Verlag GmbH. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article : African swine fever: Update on Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2019;66:1462–1480. The definite version is available at : en_ZA
dc.subject African swine fever (ASF) en_ZA
dc.subject Eastern, Central and Southern Africa (ECSA) en_ZA
dc.subject Southern Africa en_ZA
dc.subject Socio-economic impact en_ZA
dc.subject Pig production en_ZA
dc.subject Management en_ZA
dc.subject Central Africa en_ZA
dc.subject Eastern Africa en_ZA
dc.subject Epidemiology en_ZA
dc.subject Knowledge gaps en_ZA
dc.subject Ornithodoros moubata complex en_ZA
dc.subject Warthog (Phacochoerus aethiopicus) en_ZA
dc.subject Domestic pigs en_ZA
dc.subject Genetic characterization en_ZA
dc.title African swine fever : update on Eastern, Central and Southern Africa en_ZA
dc.type Postprint Article en_ZA

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