The truth already exist that suggest that Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IOT) is changing the world, and this will also affect the skills in any field including the Library. Further predictions suggest that intelligent machines will be able to do every task better and more cheaply than humans. Several questions are being raised specifically for the Library services as to when will the AI or IOT start impacting human performance, when will the machines exceed human performance and when will the machines start performing Library jobs.
The questions asked can be outlined using a framework focusing on the management of Technology, Innovation, People, and Systems (TIPS), The framework unpacks how Technology is directed and managed through Innovative means, Innovation itself needs to be managed by People who are always drivers of the Systems which also requires intensive management approaches. Using TIPS framework in the Library staff will always strive to manage all the AI and IOT processes. TIPS framework will be directed towards achieving specific Library tasks and in the process Innovation will require the Systematic approach which includes agility and alignment and continuous engagement.
Although the framework indicates that the process is not linear, which means the process of adaptation is followed by adjusting to changes, implementation and innovating again. This will ultimately bring further innovative mechanisms to try and counteract any further changes that the IOT and AI may bring to the Library staff for further development to take place.
Paper presented at the University of Johannesburg '4IR Conference', Johannesburg, South Africa, 2019.