Supplementary Fig. 1. Mean 6-min walk test distance versus age in Morquio A Clinical Assessment Program subjects aged ≤20 years. Reproduced with permission from P.R. Harmatz, K.E. Mengel, R. Giugliani, V. Valayannopoulos, S.P. Lin, R. Parini, N. Guffon, B.K. Burton, C.J. Hendriksz, J.J. Mitchell, A.M. Martins, S.A. Jones, N. Guelbert, A. Vellodi, F.A. Wijburg, K. Yang, P. Slasor, C. Decker. Longitudinal analysis of endurance and respiratory function from a natural history study of Morquio A syndrome, Mol. Genet. Metab. 114 (2015) 186–194. MorCAP, Morquio A Clinical Assessment Program.
Supplementary Fig. 2. Log10 mean TAb titer by study week in MOR-002 and MOR-100.
Supplementary Fig. 3. (A) uKS versus TAb titer; (B) uKS versus NAb positivity; (C) 6MWT versus TAb titer; (D) 6MWT versus NAb positivity (E) 3MSCT versus TAb titer; (F) 3MSCT versus Nab positivity.
Supplementary Table 1. Study drug-related adverse events and serious adverse events in MOR-002 and MOR-100.
Supplementary Table 2. Hypersensitivity AEs in MOR-002 and MOR-100 using MedDRA SMQs.
Supplementary Table 3. Patients who developed elosulfase alfa TAb, NAb, and IgE during MOR-002 and MOR-100.
Supplementary Table 4. Mean TAb titer and NAb responses by hypersensitivity AE severity in IgE-negative patients (safety population).
Supplementary Table 5. Incidence of hypersensitivity AEs in IgE-negative patients (safety population) by TAb response group using MedDRA SMQs by preferred term.