This issue is dedicated to Wilhelm (Willie) Joseph Wessels, whose career at UNISA spanned the period from January 1979 to December 2018. Willie’s primary focus throughout his career was on prophetic literature. In his valedictory lecture presented at UNISA on 23 October 2018, he reflected on Jeremiah with particular reference to 21:1-23:8 and 23:9-22. The latter text was also the focus of his second PhD, which he completed in January 2018 at the Radboud University Nijmegen (the Netherlands), while the former was the focus of his early career. In his own words he stated: “I have ended with the beginning in mind.” For Willie, despite the glaring failures of the political leaders and religious leaders, a message of hope is embedded in these texts: “new righteous political leaders will rise and in spite of religious frauds, people will return to the core of what is right and regain favour – so hope remains!” Such a message of hope is exactly what is needed in our current political-economic-religious climate.