Internationalisation of Higher Education in South African Universities within the YEBO project, challenges, successes and responses to 4th IR
4IR (4th industrial revolution) has become a topical phenomenon not only in practice but has become even more relevant in the higher education sector. South Africa in general and University of Pretoria in particular provides an exciting setting to evaluate the impact of 4th industrial revolution on post graduate studies. The aim of the presentation is to reflect on supervision of postgraduate students and the impact of 4IR thereon within the University of Pretoria, South African context. The challenges, successes and responses to 4th industrial revolution from a supervisor, PhD student and a senior lecturer’s perspective are examined. In this era of globalisation, no student, undergraduate or postgraduate, a teaching or a research- intensive lecturer, a post-graduate supervisor or the university itself can live in an island. It is therefore necessary to interact, connect and collaborate with other scholars and institutions elsewhere in the world for the student, lecturer or even the university itself to succeed and remain competitive nowadays.