Despite its importance for the understanding of ideas and the genesis of Nicholas Berdiaev’s
works, his spiritual autobiography, written at the end of his life, has not been fructified enough
by contemporary research until today. Therefore, this research aims at bringing it into attention
and emphasising the aspects of political theology it contains. The author investigates elements
such as the philosopher’s eschatological notes, his conception about freedom and slavery or
about the superior human condition, trying to see how they influence his representation of
political theology. Moreover, he links his political and religious attitudes, in an attempt not
only to identify the context in which his ideas regarding this topic were born and to find
influences of the context in which he lived, but also to emphasise the contemporary dimension
of his way of thinking and the place the topic holds in his spiritual autobiography. For this
purpose, he also uses the works of the aforementioned philosopher, the book reviews and
dictionary entries dedicated to his autobiography, as well as the books, articles and reviews
dedicated to Berdiaev and his work, starting from his lifetime and up to these days.