The application of criteria referenced assessment has been previously reported, however, criteria referenced self-assessment has not yet been studied. The objective of this study was to develop and use clear and explicit criteria, linked to a level of competency and a score, as well as a checklist, for student self-assessment in Restorative Dentistry. A comparison of student self-assessment and supervisor-assessment was also undertaken to determine the validity and reliability of the criteria.
Six levels of competency were adapted from the literature and a criterion was developed for each level of competency and used for student self-assessment of clinical procedures in Restorative Dentistry (BChD IV and BChD V). Each level of competency was given a score: U = Unqualified (0), NBQ = Not becoming Qualified (1), BQB = Becoming Qualified as a Beginner (2), BQL = Becoming Qualified as a Learner (3), Q = Qualified (4), E = Exceptional (5). The students used the criteria on the assessment form, to assess themselves accordingly (U, NBQ, BQB, BQL, Q, E) and this was compared to the supervisor assessment using the same criteria. The results were subjected to a Spearman Rank-Order Correlation test. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient for the BChD V group was 0.882 and 0.927 for the BChD IV group in the first semester and 0.923 for the BChD V group and 0.900 for the BChD IV group in the second semester. The results were highly significant (p< 0.05). There were no significant differences between student self-assessment and supervisor-assessment. The criteria referenced assessment system used to assess clinical competency in Restorative Dentistry is valid and reliable.